The Hartford Banner

The Hartford Banner

Wednesday 22 May 2024

June Litter Pick - Please note change of time and venue

Our next litter pick should have been on Sunday 9th June 2024.

However, this year, the village's Picnic in the Park has been brought forward to 9th June to tie in with the 80th Anniversary commemoration of the D-Day landings in 1944.

I will be busy helping to set up the Civic Society's stall for the Picnic in the Park and so will not be available to litter pick that morning.

Instead, we will be having a litter pick at 4.00pm, after the Picnic in the Park has finished, in order to ensure that the field is left clean and tidy. If you wish to take part, please meet at the Civic Society's stall at 4.00pm.

Here's hoping for good weather and a good turnout.